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A high performance no rinse sanitiser based on quaternary compounds.


Features and Benefits

The Sapphire concentrate product range is cost effective, safer for the end user and also lessens the environmental impact on our planet.

  • GECA (Good Environmental Choice Australia) certified to the GECA CPv2.2i-2012 Cleaning Products standard.
  • Safe to use on food processing equipment and utensils and other food contact articles, followed by adequate draining, before contact with food when the product is diluted 1:200 with potable water. Reference FDA CFR21 178.10.10
  • Designed for benches, table tops and equipment without the need to rinse.
  • Safe for septic tanks and sewerage treatment plants, will not affect aerobic activity in industrial settling ponds and will not be detrimental to marine life when used in accordance with label directions.


Use Directions

To ensure optimum efficacy, only prepare diluted solutions with potable water in clean, dedicated spray bottles. Dirty or contaminated spray bottles will reduce the performance.

Fill spray bottles from mixing station. Surfaces to be treated with Sapphire No Rinse Sanitiser #9 must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed first. Spray onto surface that is to be sanitised and allow to air dry. No rinsing is required.



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